This week's post is about evaluating your relationship with Jesus Christ. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus Christ? What do you know about Jesus Christ?
The Holy Spirit would like me to remind you that He would like to have a best friend relationship with you. How amazing is that? Jesus Christ said in His Word that:
"I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my Father" (John 15:15 Good News Translation Version)
What does it mean for someone to be one's best friend?
A best friend should ideally be your closest friend; a special friend that loves you. Your best friend should be the person that you always reach out to. Your best friend should know your likes and dislikes, you should also know your best friend's likes and dislikes. In addition, your best friend will always have your best interests at heart. You will also not want to do anything that will offend or upset your best friend.

Best Friend Relationship with Jesus Christ
Maybe you became a Christian a long time ago and you are not sure whether you have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ. Maybe you have heard about Jesus Christ or you are new to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is speaking to you right now, He is saying: "Look! I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends" (Revelations 3:20 New Living Translation Version Paraphrased).
Jesus Christ would like you:
- To know Him more than you currently do; He wants you to connect with Him more through the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible will reveal who Jesus Christ is to you. The Holy Bible will give you supernatural strength and godly wisdom. The Holy Bible will teach you all things that will help you to overcome temptations. The Holy Bible will keep your hope in Christ alive.
- To call upon Him at all times - In good times, in bad times, in times of trouble, Jesus would like you to call upon Him to tell Him everything.
- To show that you love Him by behaving in ways that you know that He finds acceptable.
- To feed your mind with things that will draw you to Him and not draw you away from Him - By ensuring your music, TV shows, things that you read, places that you go, things that you do, relationships that you have - all draw you close to Jesus Christ.
- To keep telling people about Him - When last did you share the Good News of Jesus Christ? When last did you show the love of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is standing at the door of your heart, He wants your relationship with Him to be intimate. He wants to be your best friend, He wants to show you more of Him. Are you ready to be Jesus' Best Friend?
Say this Prayer:
Jesus, I invite you into my life and ask that you will be my best friend and companion through my journey in this world.
Jesus, I invite you into my life and ask that you will be my best friend and companion through my journey in this world.
Have a lovely week!
- Mysses Lafunky
I am ready to be Jesus best friend and change my life significantly. Saying this prayer can be helpful for everyone of us!