The below post is from one of the blog that I follow:
For all my fellow singles that are in church, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
“Jesus said that you are going to be my wife/husband”
“The Lord told me you are going to be married on such date to such individual”
These prophesies can alter your life forever. For some individuals, instead of seeking the Lord as to how to proceed they just took the word as is on their terms, trying to live up to it. Then they find that nothing is happening and then a whole bunch of other issues come along.
“Did I do something wrong?” “Am I out of God’s will?” “Does this mean that I’ve missed the marriage boat?”
If you are currently asking yourself these questions or others similar to these, please take the following into consideration before casting doom on yourself.
1. Firstly, whenever you get a prophesy it is not something that God wants to keep a secret from you. It is to comfort, encourage, rebuke, edify and such the like. If when you got a word it was not confirmed in your Spirit you can Ask the Lord for confirmation and or clarification. An angel of the Lord came to Gideon, yet he still asked God for a sign (Judges 6). There are other times that you will get a word and know that its from God because it was already lingering in your spirit or because it spoke to issues that are in your past and or present situation. Remember when the prophet went to David regarding Uriah’s wife? When he said what God told him to say, David could confirm it within Himself thats why he pleaded with the Lord for the life of the child (2sam.12:7-16).
2. Secondly, what is the order to the promise? What is it that you must do? Ask the Lord how you should proceed. Remember how Abraham and Sarah tried fulfilling God’s promise to them on their terms? Rationalizing what God said instead of getting their instructions from God. Don’t ever do that for there is a price to pay. Moses was not only told he would deliver the people but he was given instructions as to how. Its the same thing with Gideon. God is not the author of confusion. If the word is real and of Him, He will give you instructions.
3. Thirdly, who is the prophet? Has he/she been proven true in the past? How do they benefit from what is being proclaimed to you? Is the prophet living for God? Remember by their fruits you shall know them. The prophet should never be in contradiction to the word of God.
So if you got a prophesy regarding your spouse to be, please make sure that you seek the Lord and resolve it in yourself. Because you don’t want to be taken advantage of. In addition, if the prophesy is of God and you don’t believe it, unfaithfulness can also cause you delays. Never stop seeking the Lord

Here is my own little opinion or suggestion for the writer and potential readers. I hope it helps.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, NEVER GO INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT PERSONALLY KNOWING YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE ON EARTH. God is not the author of confusion. If really and truly he is leading you to anyone then both you must have the same/similar passion for the same line of ministry or whatever your divine purpose is. That should sets the foundation for a christian. The "love" or fantasy is embedded in God's purpose for your life and the main reason why God will be leading you to Mr A or Miss A rather than Miss B/Mr A as the case may be is solely because of his purpose of your life. So it all embedded in purpose. Today many jump into relationships without knowing the purpose of God for their lives; there is something you are called to do; not necessarily a minister but there is an assignment he wants you to do.
Secondly, test the spirit. Even when God speaks watch it carefully if he/she is following the biblical standards, if he/she fall shorts of just ONE call his/her attention- and never proceed until the fellow has made amends. A true christian should never compromise the standard of God cos he has eternity in view and he his aware that Jesus is coming back at any time and therefore should never contemplate procrastination. In fact, he might even be the person but still a work in progress so wait till God finished his work on him to be ready for a relationship. Don't think you can help God or move before the appointed time.
Thirdly, let God confirm to you personally regardless of your level of faith. You are his sheep, So you will hear his voice. Also waits for confirmation from people God has placed in and over your life. God never leaves any MAN alone. He will always surrounds you with some friends/people who will never leave you even when you tell them to go. They wont go cos you did not put them there until their assignment are over. I tell you am only a young youth but i have seen the mercy and love of God even in the little ways; I mean God will confirm to u when you are on the right path and at the same time warn you when you go the wrong way provided you yourself are walking righteously. He knows the way of the righteous.
If you are careful enough to follow his ways he will be to concerned to allow you go astray or make the wrong choice. The question is how careful are you to follow his ways?
Thank you for your comment John. You made some valid points which I quite agreed with. Knowing God's purpose for one's life would help in the choice of marriage partner as one would know whether the said Miss A/Mr A would be able to fulfil God's purpose with one together.
DeleteTesting the spirit is very crucial. From experience, I have learnt that, it is pertinent for both intending born again Christian couple to hear from God about 'thus saith the Lord' rather than one individual hearing from God. It brings peace, it enables ones to be able to depend on God if there are challenges as one could easily go straight to God and tell God that 'you gave me this wife, why is this happening? Lord, help us with this challenges that we are facing'.
God is the ultimate person to ask for confirmation, as He will never allow His daughter/son to make mistakes. Humans may be biased with their view and if there are challenges, one cannot hold a man of God responsible and say 'He told me to go into this relationship, now it's not working'. The rock of ages will always be present and available for an individual to seek His views.
Ability to test God's spirit only happens when you have a personal relationship with God. Can I also emphasise that, it is never too late to test God's spirit, as long you have not signed the dotted line of a marriage certificate.
I agree with the below points that you made:
"God never leaves any MAN alone. He will always surrounds you with some friends/people who will never leave you even when you tell them to go. They wont go cos you did not put them there until their assignment are over".
"If you are careful enough to follow his ways he will be to concerned to allow you go astray or make the wrong choice".
"Test the spirit. Even when God speaks watch it carefully if he/she is following the biblical standards, if he/she fall shorts of just ONE call his/her attention- and never proceed until the fellow has made amends".
I totally agree with this point:
"If really and truly he is leading you to anyone then both you must have the same/similar passion for the same line of ministry or whatever your divine purpose is. That should sets the foundation for a Christian. The "love" or fantasy is embedded in God's purpose for your life and the main reason why God will be leading you to Mr A or Miss A rather than Miss B/Mr A as the case may be is solely because of his purpose of your life. So it all embedded in purpose".